
CS:GO Investment Portfolio

Keep track on your CS:GO Investments using our automated system to view your Profits, Losses, Proftolio Valuation & Market Trends.

CS:GO Market Trends 🔥

Trends are based on the average price in the last 7 days

What We Offer

Optimize and track your Steam CS:GO investments with our free, easy-to-use tool that automatically tracks your portfolio and provides near real-time CS:GO market trends and analytics
All in one place.

Market Items
Portfolio Items

Site Statistics

✅ 21,000+ CS:GO Items scanned
✅ Scan Interval approx. 12 hours
✅ Browsing Item is near real-time

Free To Use

Our product is completely free of charge for your usage.
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Market Analytics

Our unique metrics provide unparalleled market analytics, allowing a deeper understanding of market trends and consumer behaviour .

Developer Notes

This site is still a work in progress, and we aim to increase the stability and frequency of our web scraping as soon as it becomes financially feasible.

Real-time Data

Our product fetches near real-time data, ensuring that you always have access to the most up-to-date information to make informed decisions.